Britta woke early, ready to nurse the twins and start her day, but when she sat up in bed, she felt a strange, ticklish sensation on her cheek. When her eyes fully focused, she looked around the room. It looked like a giant spider had woven a web throughout the whole room during the night! She highly doubted the existence of a mammoth spider in The Thicket, but was rather confident that this was yet another of the late night shenanigans of the leprechauns. Britta shook her head and counted off on her fingers; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Just eight days til St. Patrick’s Day; just eight more days until the leprechauns would be leaving The Thicket.
But Britta had to smile. Although Axel stomped around the house during the day complaining about the foolhardiness of those scoundrels, she noticed he slipped away each night, after he thought Britta to be fast asleep, and would join them at the campfire. She could hear his voice blending with theirs while they sang ballads and told stories.
“It really wasn’t SO bad”, she decided as she looked around the room plotting her escape. She decided she probably wouldn’t mind the pranks of the leprechauns nearly as much if she could only deal with them AFTER her second cup of chicory tea!